A few very awesome blogging buddies recently asked the question " What Do You Want Your Blog to Be When It Grows Up" initially I thought they were asking specifically about me, but then realized that this was pretty easy to answer since my blog and me kinda have the same goals.
Take baby steps for now
I started my blog in November 2011 and knew nothing about blogging. Since then I have continued to pace myself by taking small steps by leaning one new thing a week. From learning about where to "party" each week, to finding out what photo tool I will use when Picnik goes away. I have also found an enormous amount of information from other blog sites. In addition,I am so excited to be attending the Haven Conference in June to pick up some new techinques and skills to help grow my blog.
Develop a great networking system with other blogger's
If I am falling and holding on for dear life, I want to know that I can count on you, my network of support to help me out. I want to do this by not being afraid to ask for help if I need it. It's okay to feel like everybody else knows more then you, because at this point they do! The first person that I ever reached out to was Tricia at Morning T , she was so supportive and continues to be a friend that I would count on for questions and advice regarding my blog. I hope I can also serve as that same mentor for other bloggers in need.
Not be intimidated
Everyone has had to learn to swim! I look at some of the other truly successful blogs like Jen at Tatertots and Jello and Kate from Censational Girl
and am totally inspired by the quality of their sites and in awe at the number of followers. I aspire to have both as well, and realize if I build it, you will come. I just need to remember that I still float in the kiddie section and they are jumping off the high dive!
Sit back and relax
I want to develop a better and more efficient system where I can capture my pictures and organize and file them for future posts. I often find myself scrambling for photos to include in the post right before I hit the publish button.
Have Fun
Whether my blog continues to grow into a steady business and better yet, BHG comes knocking at my door, I want to have fun. I want my passion for doing the things that I absolutely love to do to resonate with my followers, and the people who make a choice to read me each day.Thank you by the way!
So, I am bearing my soul and co-hosting with a few of my awesome blogging buddies
Andrea from The Cottage Market
If you would also like to bear your soul regarding the goals that you have, will you share them with us this Friday, March 2? No worries if you need a bit of time to think, as the party goes live on Friday am at 6 CST and stays live until Thursday, March 8 at 11 pm CST. So, grab a button and join our linky party.

"What Do You Want Your Blog to Be When It Grows Up"
multi link party. See you then!
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