Holiday Table Runner

In the burlap Christmas spirit I made this holiday runner to put on my table this season. I have always had a hard time finding a runner that was simple but yet festive and I think I accomplished that with this one. This project is super easy if you can sew (fyi-  I am not a sewing master) and  not so easy if you can't, although you could probably use some liquid stitch for your burlap piece and talk someone into sewing your pleated ends in exchange for chocolate!
 Supplies that you will need-
  1. Burlap for the main body of the runner. Amount depends on the size of the runner. For mine, I used 1/2 yard of burlap fabric. My length was 54 inches and my width was 18 inches.   Allow 1/2 inch for seam.
  2. Fabric for the ends of your runner. Amount depends on how many pleats you want. For mine, I used a 1/2 yard of fabric.  
  3. Matching thread for burlap piece and for your end fabric
  4. Sewing machine
First thing you need to do is cut your burlap the length and width of your runner size. You will need to allow 3/4 inch to finish all sides of your runner. Burlap is not as easy to bend and fold so before sewing I used my iron to create my seams. I used a simple straight stitch to finish my edges.The picture below shows my runner with the finished edges.
Next is the addition of your end fabric. I cut my piece of  fabric long so that I could create several pleats. Allow for 1/2 inch  for your finished edges. After pinning your pleats, use your iron to press down the pleats,  this makes it a whole lot easier to sew.
Next you will attach your finished burlap piece to your finished pleated piece. I allowed for 4 inches to attach the fabric to the burlap so that my pleats would "fluff" up a bit.
Once both sides are attached, press the entire runner with your iron to get any of the remaining wrinkles out. Now your ready to place the runner on your table. How easy was that!



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