What Else Do We Really Need?


Well the Holiday season has kicked off. Shoppers were out at the stores right after  Thanksgiving dinner was served. Tree lots were filled on black Friday. Ladders and extension cords were useful over the weekend to put the outdoor lights up. I don't know about you but does'nt it seem like the Christmas season is starting earlier and earlier each year? I am all about the pretty decorations, the handmade kid crafts, the sweet little school programs and needles from the tree falling all throughout December but what I am not about is when people forget the true meaning of Christmas. Giving, Rejoicing, the birth of Jesus. It's not about being pepper sprayed over a Black Friday item at Walmart. It's not people spending more money then they have and going into debt. It's not buying something for someone just because they bought for you. It's more then that. Today more then ever, the current state of the economy just might be a blessing in disguise for most of us. It may be an opportunity to step back and think about how we can help those less fortunate then us.  We may want to rethink the toys on the kids lists and share those with childern who have nothing. We can spend more time with our kids talking about how to give more and receive less. It can confirm for us the true meaning of Christmas and the precious gifts of spouses, childern, family and friends that we already have.   So I ask, what else do we really need?   
  Have a wonderful December!


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