I never Promised you a .......

Okay, I never promised that following me on my blog wouldn't cost you any money, but  I do promise to send along any fantastic web sites that just might make you as excited as I was to find the site! The site is called WUSLU and they offer French,Vintage and Country style decor for your home. The way the site works is once you are registered you will be sent the daily deal. The deal is sent to you in a email. Since I just joined last week I have not yet bought anything but I have included a few of my favorite things that I have spotted. In the meantime , if you happen to sign-up and buy something , please post a picture of your most fabulous find !  Happy Friday to All and a Special Thank You to All the Veterans out there! 

Cupcake Stands
French inspired burlap memo board

Wood Console table



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